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Tuesday 12 May 2020

Blog: How to increase traffic, visitors, and how to post content (2)

Blog: How to increase traffic, visitors, and how to post content (2)

Using content created by visitors
You can take a different approach to content generated by visitors. Rather than letting people control the entire article, you can let them post their photos and videos. People looking for resources online are more likely to share the site with their friends.

Keep your publishing schedule and blog consistent
By creating a consistent publishing schedule on your blog, you can know when and when readers will come back every day, weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The key to maintaining publishing consistency must be realistic. Individual bloggers will find it difficult to create high-quality content every day. Start with weekly or biweekly posts, and aim for daily posts. Instead, don't sacrifice quantity for quality.

To be consistent, you should use the edit calendar format. You can use Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, or a simple spreadsheet. You can use this solution to manage your ideas and plan a monthly content theme. So, instead of doing a blog in your spare time, you are focusing.

Make your content SEO friendly
When working with SEO, you need to know what influences ranking. These are factors that influence ranking in a negative or positive way. There are two types of ranking factors: on-page and off-page. To make your content SEO friendly, you need to pay attention to the factors on the page.

SEO takes both time and knowledge. There are also many things you can do to improve your site in this area, but if you use WordPress, you can start by installing a free SEO plugin. Consider installing Yoast SEO or All in One SEO to help you optimize your article for specific keywords.

Keyword research before writing
You can use special tools like Google Keyword Planner, KWFinder, SEMrush, etc. to create a target keyword list for your content. These services can see and estimate how many users enter into search engines each month. From this data, you should choose the "keyword" that is most useful for your post.

No matter which tool you use, the selection process can be reduced to two conditions.

Finds the maximum number of unique keywords within a given item.

Find a reasonable compromise between search frequency and keyword competition.

Monday 11 May 2020

Quiet pneumonia and coronavirus

             Quiet pneumonia and coronavirus

Quiet pneumonia is usually measured by oxygen saturation in the blood or by chest x-rays. This symptom may be a complication of Corona19 infection.

The effect of coronavirus on the skin
Efficacy of high-frequency facial treatment
Uses and side effects of brimonidine eye drops
Let's look at the relationship between quiet pneumonia and coronavirus. Coronavirus is a virus that causes pandemic to shake the world. And the symptoms of the virus are so extensive that it is difficult to identify whether someone has been infected. One of these difficulties is known as a symptom known as quiet pneumonia.

Quiet pneumonia means that people infected with the virus don't feel short of breathing even if the body's oxygen is getting less. Therefore, the infection is more difficult to detect, so the risk is high.

The new coronavirus is very challenging for all scientists and medical personnel. Be vigilant and always pay attention to the virus characteristics discovered by scientists and doctors.

Let's learn more about quiet pneumonia.

Coronavirus infection
The coronavirus is actually one virus line, and the recent trend in corona19 is that a new coronavirus occurred in Wuhan City in December 2019. This is a mutant virus, so despite all ongoing research, scientists still have to do more.

The coronavirus spreads through coughing, sneezing, or droplets released when you speak. The splash may touch other people directly or remain on the surface for some time.

The problem with this virus is that it is highly contagious. In fact, although many people are infected, they often have no symptoms, but the mortality rate of the elderly or those with weak immune systems is very high.

What is quiet pneumonia?
Quiet pneumonia is one of the major problems that coronaviruses cause. It occurs when there is no problem with breathing despite the presence of coronavirus and very low levels of oxygen in the blood.

In general, if someone has low oxygen levels or needs to be connected to a machine to help breathe, they are in shock.

In these situations, breathing is difficult or it is common for the body to activate mechanisms to protect itself.

But in the case of quiet pneumonia, the opposite is true. Several hospitals in New York and Brazil were found to have had a lot of quiet pneumonia patients. However, by measuring oxygen levels in the blood or by chest X-rays, it was found that they suffered from silent pneumonia.

The problem is that the situation of hypoxia progresses without the patient's awareness. So, as a result, many people died suddenly from coronavirus infection.

Quiet pneumonia and coronavirus
Unfortunately, doctors and scientists do not yet know how to explain quite pneumonia.

Some doctors believe that coronavirus attacks lung cells, causing the lungs to still release carbon dioxide, but to make certain changes that keep it from getting oxygen.

What makes the brain detect this "oxygen deficiency" is the high concentration of carbon dioxide. When a person releases carbon dioxide relatively normally, there is no indication that the brain lacks oxygen.

Another hypothesis is that everyone has different resistance to blood oxygen levels. For some people, this may mean that oxygen saturation is lower than the appropriate level and may not naturally detect low oxygen saturation until a dangerous level is reached. Experts believe that this is related to the virus' ability to make thrombosis.

Either way, the important thing here is to keep in mind that there is quite a pneumonia.

Therefore, if a coronavirus is suspected, doctors should measure oxygen saturation and take a chest x-ray. This is especially important if you come in contact with an infected person or someone at greater risk.

Sunday 10 May 2020

Corona-virus and stigmatization disorder

Corona-virus and stigmatization disorder

People with somatization disorders may experience coughing and shortness of breath without actually being infected with the virus. Today we are going to look closely at coronavirus and somatization disorder.

Features of hyperphosphatemia
What is viral road
Types of warts and treatment

Somatization disorder is a very interesting psychological phenomenon. Physical symptoms appear without actually getting sick. It is usually the result of fear and anxiety about a particular pathology. With this in mind, I would like to share about coronavirus and somatization disorder.

Almost all countries are experiencing turbulent times and most have declared a state of emergency. The coronavirus pandemic has already caused numerous infections, but continues to spread worldwide.

In fact, coronaviruses are a group of viruses. The new coronavirus behind this pandemic first appeared in Wuhan, China in 2019. The virus is made up of new species, and scientists are constantly researching to understand all the features.

Likewise, it is true that there are actually many cases of infection, but there are many people who simply experience somatization disorder. In this article, I'm going to explain what somatization means.

What is somatization disorder?
Somatization disorder is a disorder that involuntarily transforms psychological problems into physical symptoms. In other words, it can be seen that the physical symptoms of a specific disease are experienced without going through the pathology that causes the symptoms.

In the past, the body and mind were believed to be two different entities. But today we know that there is a close relationship between the two. We also know that the body and mind can have a great influence on each other.

In most cases, somatization is caused by experiencing great anxiety or anxiety. It's the same fear that triggers the appearance of symptoms, even if it doesn't actually hurt.

Often people confuse somatization disorders with very similar health concerns. In other words, people with health concerns are afraid of getting sick from any problems. You do not need a real external factor to experience symptoms.

In the case of somatization, there are certain situations that generally cause fear. For example, there is currently a worldwide epidemic of Corona. Constant bombing of information and emergencies are the triggers for somatization disorder.

Main features of somatization
According to experts, it is important to focus on various aspects to see if somatization occurs. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the existence of real diseases. You should also consider the overall condition of the person who is experiencing somatization.

People with somatization disorder usually experience nervousness and anxiety. Most claim to think a lot about a particular disease and fear being ill. They usually have a lot of information on the subject.

In general, a person with somatization disorder has two or more symptoms of a specific disease. In fact, these symptoms and worries themselves interfere with the lives of those who suffer. Moreover, this inevitably raises the level of anxiety.

Coronavirus and somatization disorders
The new coronavirus is non-specific and causes a series of symptoms that are easy to confuse with other diseases. Most people with Corona19 experience high fever, shortness of breath, and cough.

In addition, experts have reported many cases in which infected people experience loss of smell and taste. Likewise, because it is a viral infection, it is common to have general fatigue and muscle soreness.

When it comes to somatization and coronaviruses, many people begin to develop symptoms without actually being infected with the virus. You begin to experience coughing and headaches, and you may even feel as though you are getting warmer.

However, when measuring their body temperature, for example, it is likely that they are not higher than normal body temperature. It is more difficult to prove that the remaining symptoms that cannot be objectively measured are not the result of an infection.

It should be noted that somatization disorders occur very frequently in crisis situations. Therefore, it is important to contact a doctor if symptoms occur. But don't forget that your symptoms may simply be the result of anxiety.

Saturday 9 May 2020

Corona 19: A Wise Containment Living Guide for the Elderly

The elderly are the most vulnerable people who need the most attention and care in this city. Today we introduce a wise containment policy for the elderly.

1-Features of hyperphosphatemia
2-What is viral road
3-Types of warts and treatment

The proliferation and self-containment measures implemented by the spread of Corona 19 are under stress, especially among the elderly. Today, I introduce a wise containment guide for the elderly.

The elderly and those suffering from underlying illnesses are stressed by the great fear of the fact that they are classified as vulnerable to corona19. Vulnerable groups should try not to go out of the house no matter what.

Refraining from going out and staying at home as much as possible can significantly reduce the likelihood of corona19 infection among everyone, including the elderly. However, the isolation of staying at home can be very stressful and stressful.

Check out the tips below to get the most out of a quarantine life with a positive attitude and attitude!

A Guide to Wise Isolation Living Policies for the Elderly
Refrain from going out
As all scientific research results and experiences from many countries around the world tell us, the most effective way to prevent the spread of viruses is "isolation." Blocking contact with others, especially the elderly, has become more important than anything else.

Consider the positive side of living in an isolated home and reducing the likelihood of infection among others. Of course, the elderly should also try to stay out of the house as much as possible to refrain from going out for their own health.

Maintaining a positive attitude
It should be remembered that restraint and quarantine are temporary measures in place to prevent the spread of the Corona19 virus. The so-called 'social distance' should be practiced well overall to slow the spread and help to make the infection easier to manage.

Containment measures will not last a lifetime. The more thoroughly the quarantine, the slower the virus will spread and contain it sooner.

Remember that when isolation is too difficult, it should last a long time, lasting up to 2-3 months. And instead of being depressed, let's plan how we can spend the containment period.

Using time wisely
It is also a good idea to plan a new routine for isolation. If you stay at home, you will usually be lazy, so try to do a variety of activities and try to keep the containment period diligent and rewarding.

It is very important to go to bed and eat at your usual time. Get up at the usual time, take a shower, have breakfast, and start a new day.

You should avoid the lifestyle of wearing comfortable clothes and staring at the TV all day!

What you can do
If you're not sure, make a list of activities you can do at home, such as organizing a closet or reading.

It is also a good idea to resume your hobbies such as writing, drawing, knitting, gardening, etc., which you haven't been able to do for a while because of your busy life. It is also a good idea to write your diary and write out your thoughts and containment.

Frequent contact with seniors
Make frequent contact with older people in your family or those around you. Containment does not mean that you have to cut off contact. Let's keep in touch with family and friends using phone calls and text messages.

If you frequently ask how your family, friends, and friends are saying and how you are doing with each other, you may be able to use a variety of modern electronic products such as smartphones. It is also a good idea to open a group chat room.

Self-containing elderly people should use radio, newspapers, and television to understand the current situation.

But don't focus too much on the progress of the coronavirus, or don't trust and spread false information. Efforts to spend the quarantine period efficiently and productively will help relieve stress and anxiety!

itchy skin

Have you ever wondered why we spend so much time scratching our skin? This can be for a variety of reasons. If you want to know the answers to the questions in this article, read on.

01-Advantages of having a dehumidifier at home
02-What is psychotherapy, logotherapy?
03-How to make a city garden in a small space

Without realizing it, fingers and nails scratch the body. Perhaps even when you are reading this, you start to scratch and care. It is not that the skin is itchy because of the disease. Scratching may be the body's natural response to relaxing sensations after receiving signals from the brain.

Why is the skin itchy?
On average, we have 2 square meters of skin, which makes it the largest organ in our body. The skin is directly exposed to various external factors, but like other parts of the body, it has a mechanism to prevent disease and defend itself from what is considered a threat.

Itching of the skin “normally” itching is called pruritus, and it is nothing more than a warning signal from the body to us. What can be a threat to our skin? There are all kinds of irritants, such as dust in the air, areas where hair or clothing comes in contact, insects, sweat, and the scent of leaves or flowers. Everything that touches the skin wakes up the receptors on the skin and sends a signal to the brain, which reacts to the senses. And it turns out itching.

Itching is alleviated by scratching, but the problem is that if the finger or skin is dirty or if too much pressure is applied to the skin, it can make the situation worse. If itching is too severe or painful, it may be due to an allergic reaction. Another reason to scratch your skin maybe because you are nervous, anxious, stressed, or worried.

Main cause of itchy skin
04-Injection (strawberry nose)
05-Excessive sweating
06-Poor hygiene
07-Skin irritation
08-Allergic reaction
09-Strong chemical use
10-Insect bites
11-Ticks and other microorganisms
15-Drug side effects

Many studies have revealed that there are neurons (neurons) in the brain that perform specific tasks that signal when something touches the skin or can cause problems. In 2007, scientists at the University of Washington in the United States revealed that there are pure neurons that exist to control itchy sensations. The study was carried out by biologists, psychiatrists, and anesthesiologists, published in a scientific journal.

The stimuli produced by itching are collected by nerve fibers under the skin of our body and send signals through the spinal cord to the brain. Here, neurons make us realize that something is itching. This nerve ending also serves as a reminder when we feel pain.

Whether it's scratching or not, that's the problem.

Scratching the skin automatically responds to the signs that something is bothering us. These unconscious signals indicate that there is something that can irritate the skin. Therefore, when the skin is scratched, it removes a threatening factor, so that the part feels relieved, but when the body leaves the warning state, it no longer sends an itching signal.

In addition, scratching the skin will turn your attention. However, by stimulating a larger area than the itchy area, it expands the threat and spreads the itching.

Scratching is a response to stimuli that we cannot control, such as coughing or sneezing. But don't forget that it's better to eliminate or avoid itching factors.

Another study at Wake Forest University in Oregon, USA, analyzed what happens in the brain when a dermatologist using MRI scratches the skin. Participants had to scratch the skin for 30 seconds with a comb and then stop for another 30 seconds.

The researchers found that surprisingly, certain areas of the brain associated with unpleasant memories and emotions are inactivated when scratching the skin. Perhaps that's why there is a feeling of relaxation and calmness when scratching.

Why is the skin itchy in winter?

Many people feel itching more in the cold season. This is because the skin is dry due to low temperature, wind, or snow. This is especially true of the hands and face most exposed to cold. It may also be because more hot water is used than summer, and temperature changes can make the skin dryer or cause dermatitis when using soap or detergent.

Other possible causes include wearing more clothes and not breathing as much as your skin needs, or clothes made of monaural or thick threads.

A good way to avoid scratching and damaging the skin is to apply some cold ice to the itchy areas and apply some ice to the skin. You can also put a chamomile tea-soaked cloth or spread green clay like a bandage. Finally, don't forget about the amazing effects of aloe vera for skin.

Friday 8 May 2020

14 Essential Tips to Improve Your Web Design

How to easily find an overview of problems and improvement points on the website

I often analyze professional websites, but today I would like to tell you about how to easily find an outline of problems and improvement points on the website.
I need to collect information for analysis, but I use various external tools.
The reason is that the use of various tools enhances the objectivity of the data itself.

The numbers may change if the tools are changed. However, that's why we do not focus on one tool, or subjectivity only from it, but we cherish what is called "reading between lines" by drawing invisible intent.

However, there are times when information cannot be obtained for some reason because it is an external tool. Even if you check with the tool provider, a clear response is not usually returned, so in that case, the act of "filling the space" is performed. However, if this behavior occurs frequently (tools are almost unusable), the accuracy of the objective analysis will decrease.

Site structure, confirmation of peripheral information
We will check peripheral information such as whether affiliated companies and related services exist (whether there are mutual links), whether social media is used, or whether the advertisement is used on the relevant site.
It may not be possible to check due to various reasons, but in that case, as a WEB version of earning with your feet, you can simply check and check visually.

Utilize Hubspot Website Grader
As I mentioned in the previous blog, I will use the "Hubspot Website Grader" that will tell you if the site is suitable for attracting customers or how to improve it. From an inbound marketing perspective, this is to measure "whether the website is ready for attracting customers".

Check the evaluation value on each axis of blog, social media, SEO, lead generation, and mobile.

Utilizing SimilarWeb
A web analysis tool born in Israel, I also attended a seminar by Mr. Gaprise, a general agency in Japan. We use a free account (basic functions are the same as paid), but it seems that the paid version can provide more detailed information and competitive comparison. For details, refer to this article.
It would be great if you could give us information such as Google Analytics, but this is often the case because it is not so due to adulthood, so this tool is used.

Benefits of rewriting your blogs

               Benefits of rewriting your blogs

As you update your blog as part of content marketing, have you ever felt awkward, saying "This is before ...", while making new material for your blog?

If you do a site: search on Google at such times, there is a good chance that some blogs that you think are "this is it" will appear. Most of the time, when you find the one that fits you, you'll be overwhelmed with "Well, let's stop this", but rewriting past blogs can sometimes produce better results.

However, with simple rewrites such as wording and style changes, it may be difficult to seek performance improvements. This time, we will introduce rewrites that are effective.

Rewriting method and points
1. Overwrite old blog
There are many people who say, "I finish writing a blog." "The operation of a website is important" also applies to one page of a blog. Some of the points that should be seen as the operation of one blog page are as follows.

Reaction on social media
Ranking of search results
Short-term performance of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month
2-, 6-, and 12-month mid- and long-term performance
Ensuring accuracy of information over time
For example, when a blog that I wrote with all my strength did not produce good results. All you need to get your blog found is to provide "value" worth seeing. It's like a tautology, but it has to offer something of value whether it's going through a search engine, a backlink, or a social media share.

Given that, are blogs that aren't doing well, worth reading? In addition to blogs, there are reasons why people actively seek information, such as "I want to solve something" and "I want something that meets this condition". So, when you think about why your blog isn't doing well, let's review why it meets that reason. It will be easier to understand if you check it against the check sheet below.

Analyzing the content of other sites created with the same keywords and rethinking the structure of your blog will help you find what you are missing in your blog.

Also, the major reasons for rewriting old blogs are "the situation is different and the content is different from that time" and "the information is outdated". Blogs are stock content, so even if it's an unavoidable problem, it's not a good idea (for you or your users) to leave it alone, so update your information. You can create a new blog page, but by overwriting the existing page, you can update the information without changing the URL. When creating a new page, we recommend that you redirect the 301 from the old page to the new page, because the page evaluation can be taken over.

2. Follow the contents and create a blog with a different angle
It is thought that if there is a wealth of related content, the search engine (Google) in that genre will increase the rating and it will be easier to display it at the top of the search results.

For example, a site that owns a page detailing "differences between single malt and blended whiskey" published a blog "5 easy to drink whiskeys for beginners", and Google said, "This site is a site that is detailed about whiskey. It is more likely to be judged. This means that when you search for whiskey-related keywords, you're more likely to see the entire site.

In addition, since the contents are related to each other, it is easy for users to be interested in them. By linking each other, one visitor can come and go, which is also useful for improving the site migration rate.

3. Rewrite downloaded contents (rich contents) for blog
It's a bit off from the point of rewriting the "blog page" itself, but if you have downloaded content such as white papers and eBooks, you can rewrite it for your blog.

Downloaded content is generally more insightful than blog content. Specifically, more practical content, industry, and user data. By rewriting these things, you can create a blog with depth.

Also, since it is a blog created by rewriting downloaded content, it has the advantage that it can be easily connected to conversion. Depending on the thing, it can be a killer content that creates many conversions.

Is there something in your blog that needs rewriting? As time goes on from the beginning of the blog, the amount of information that becomes older will increase, and the need for rewriting will emerge. There are some pages that need this on our blog, so I'd like to proceed accordingly.

Finally, let me introduce another merit of rewriting. It means that I am now better at writing a blog than I was before. I first blogged on high velocity about five years ago. I'm sure that my blogging skills are better than I was then. While reviewing what I wrote back then, I thought, "Ahhh ...", but by rewriting it in a valuable form, the "value of the entire site" will increase. Actually, that is the biggest merit of rewriting.

what is the most amazing thing about human brain

What is the most surprising thing about the human brain?

Our brain is the most complex organ in the body. In addition to controlling basic life functions such as breathing, organ function, and exercise, it is behind all the complex processes of thought, action and emotion control, memory-making. However, despite how important our brains are, many still know very little about it.

This is your brain.

1. Always active
The brain is always active, even when we are sleeping. We need to keep us alive. However, different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions. The brain is divided into lobes of XNUMX pairs on either side of the head. As such, it is located in front of the frontal lobe head and just below the temporal lobe. It is located in the middle of the parietal lobe, located behind the head of the occipital lobe.

The frontal lobe is often associated with “making us human”. It is involved in cognitive processes such as reasoning, learning, creativity, attention and muscle control used in exercise and speech. It also creates memories and regulates emotions and actions.

The parietal lobe is involved in the mixing of functions. This includes processing as well as virtual space information necessary for the movement and depth perception and exploration of senses and figures. The temporal lobe is also a memory process as well as information related to sound, including the language we hear. The occipital lobe is involved in visual processing. When light enters the eye, it is transmitted by nerves to this area, which translates into a “seeing” image.

The lobe is further divided into functional areas. These are individual areas of a specific lobe that are responsible for specific functions. For example, the area of ​​the frontal lobe is particularly concerned with language production and understanding in the Broca region.

By Scanning the Brain Scientists can determine which areas are experiencing increased blood flow and measure when and where they are more active in the brain by providing the extra oxygen they need to function or perform their tasks. Knowing which parts perform what tasks are important when conducting research and surgery.

2. We are constantly receiving information
The brain is constantly receiving information. This information is controlled by two paths that check all paths. Sensory information is flowing into the brain. Motor information is flowing out of it.

The brain always receives this information, but often does not know the information going to the area of ​​the brain that processes “unconscious” information. For example, information about the location of muscles and joints is always sent to the brain-but we rarely notice it until it becomes uncomfortable or needs to be repositioned.

But when it comes to outgoing motor information, including spontaneous actions we control, like picking up something, we know its function. However, like sensory information, motor movements, such as exercise or breathing, can occur unconsciously, such as the muscles that move food through the gastrointestinal system.

3. About 20% of the body's blood goes to the brain.
As with all living tissues, oxygen must be supplied from the blood to maintain brain function. The brain receives 15-20% blood from the resting heart. Many factors can include age, gender, and weight. For an average man, about 70 milliliters of blood pumps are spinning around the heart rate. Thus, about 14 milliliters is delivered to the brain per heart rate, which is essential to supply oxygen to brain cells.

It is well known that more strokes occur where blood supply to the brain is stopped. Of the left brain. This is important because the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. Researchers may influence the function of the left-right hand of the brain-the right-hand handle is more likely to suffer loss of function after a stroke.

4. Brain surgery doesn't hurt
Viral video Woman violinist While surgeons are performing surgery to remove a brain tumor, many have asked a lot of questions about the brain. While this seems bizarre, being awake during brain surgery is actually more common than people think. Surgery, often associated with the “functional” areas of the brain (areas responsible for movement, speech, or vision) must be awakened to assess these functions as the surgery progresses after the patient is placed under general anesthesia.

Surprisingly, actual surgery does not harm the brain at all. This is because the brain has no special pain receptors nociceptors. The only painful part of the operation is the skin, skull, and meninges (layers of connective tissue that protect the brain). Depending on several factors, the patient may have a general or local anesthetic for this part of the procedure.

5. Brain damage can change who we are
Much of what we know about the brain comes from what's going wrong. One of the most famous examples is Phineas Gage. He was known as a responsible and straightforward worker. However, in an accident at work, as the metal rod passed through the skull, the frontal lobe was damaged, turning childish, rude, and impulsive. Gage explained to scientists in the 19th century that frontal lobe damage can cause serious personality changes.

We also show that people who have lost their eyesight after the occipital lobe has been damaged by trauma, tumor growth, or stroke are still “blind”.This shows that not all visual information goes into the visual cortex of the occipital lobe. Despite still losing sight information and navigating around obstacles, despite sight loss. Some people can “see” some emotions and report how they are described and make them feel. This shows how high the interconnected brain function is given.

Researchers know a lot about the brain and its functions, but we have a lot to learn. We have not yet studied what some areas of the brain do and how they communicate with other parts of the organ.

How AMP Helps and Prevents SEO

Are AMP pages effective for SEO? Will the introduction increase traffic?

In July 2018, Google implemented a speed update, and the page display speed is incorporated as a mobile search ranking factor. Even though the current situation is early, it does not mean that it is ranked high in the rankings, but it seems that very slow pages are actually being affected. However, as Google offers PageSpeed Insights, isn't website acceleration a theme that should be addressed to improve the user experience (UX)?

However, we feel that many of our clients do not check their websites in an environment similar to that of our customers, and we do not care much about the display speed. In fact, Google reports improvements in mobile page display speed.

· The “user-centric performance index” for one-third of the slower traffic improved by 15% to 20% in 2018. 2017 could not confirm improvement

· When viewed by country, display speed improvements were seen in 95% of countries

· Departures increase with slow display, but thanks to the speed improvement, the departure rate of traffic started from search decreased by 20%

· In 2018, 200 million unique URLs were verified 1 billion times with PageSpeed Insights
Source: Overseas SEO Information Blog

Various efforts are required to speed up websites, but this time I would like to introduce "AMP", which is one method, and whether AMP conversion has changed.

* Since the number of samples is small, I hope you can see it as a reference only.

What is AMP
"AMP" is an abbreviation for "Accelerated Mobile Pages," which is a specification developed by Google and Twitter to "accelerate the site speed" to improve the mobile Internet experience. It is said that AMP pages are about 4 times faster than regular pages. Web pages that support AMP are also displayed on the Google mobile search result screen.

It is said that it does not affect the ranking on the search result page at all depending on whether the AMP page is included or not.

It also appears in several formats in Google search results. When displaying the ranking, a mark like a lightning bolt is attached as in the image above.

Mechanism and structure of AMP
The AMPed page is cached in Google etc., and when the user clicks the search result, the page is returned from the cache, so the display time will be faster. Also, since the HTML tags that can be used are limited, it is simple to make and the page capacity is suppressed.

Advantages and disadvantages of AMP
User withdrawal due to page load wait can be reduced
It is also said that 53% of visitors leave if the mobile site takes more than 3 seconds to load.
If a carousel is displayed in the search results, it is easy to catch your eyes and you can expect access improvement
May affect search rankings in the future
At this stage, Google announced that it will not be reflected in the search ranking, but it is likely to be reflected in the future because it is a flow of mobile enhancement.

There are design restrictions
There may be restrictions on the tags that can be used, so the design may not match the image
It takes time to develop and respond
Since the structure and specifications are different depending on the site, it will take some time for research and development such as how to handle it and how to set it.
After creating, you can check AMP with Google Search Console.

AMP performance
A little setting is necessary to measure the performance of AMP pages.
Since the cookie cannot be inherited, there was a problem that the user who originally visited the AMP page and the user who visited the non-AMP page could not be recognized as the same. (Improved in May 2017)

Reference: Best practices for measuring AMP pages with Google Analytics (updated 2017.11)

At High Velocity, I actually tried introducing AMP on some sites, but I can not make an accurate judgment because the settings of Analytics were not set properly, but at present it seems that it does not affect traffic growth so much.

The inflow of natural search has not increased so much
Comparing AMP pages with regular pages, AMP pages have a low bounce rate and some sites have slightly higher pages/sessions.
There are also some sites where nearly 40% of the PV of the entire site is an AMP page.

* Refer to here for analysis settings

It may not be necessary to deal with it because it is not effective for SEO at this stage, but in the present age when words such as “user experience”, “engagement”, and “sanitization” are shouted, user convenience I think that it is better to consider to improve the property. In the future, shouldn't it be done early considering the possibility of being related to SEO?

This site supports AMP. Our site construction package BaseStation supports AMP, so please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Questions and answers about female condoms

 Questions and answers about female condoms

Female condoms are an alternative to male condoms. It has the same effect as a male condom, and can be used to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Is hypersensitivity disorder related to mental health?
Why sexual desire increases in the summer
What is semen reflux?
Women's condoms are one of the methods of contraception and also protect against sexually transmitted diseases. There are some things to know before using a female condom. This article contains seven questions about women's condoms.

Questions about women's condoms

1. How to insert
The female condom consists of two rings. One at the closed end and the other at the open end. Note the following to ensure proper insertion.
The inner ring should be placed over the cervix. Insert the closed end into the vagina and push it until it touches the cervix.
The outer ring must cover the vulva, so it should not be inserted into the vagina. Make sure it sticks out about 2.5 cm.

2. Removal method
When removing the condom, find the outer ring, twist it, and gently pull it. Women's condoms cannot be reused. Whenever you have sex, you should use a new one. Also, you shouldn't throw it in the toilet, but throw it in the trash.

3. Advantages of women's condoms
It can protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
It can protect against unwanted pregnancy.
It can be purchased without a prescription.
It's cheap and easy to get.
Since it is not a hormone-related method, there are few side effects.
You don't have to tell men to use condoms. Women can protect their own sexual health.
It can be used regardless of penis insertion and can be inserted 8 hours before sexual intercourse.
It can be used during menstruation and pregnancy.
Easy to insert and remove.

4. Disadvantages of women's condoms
Lubricant can be used to prevent the vagina from drying out during sexual intercourse to improve sexual experience.

Although less common, allergic reactions (itching and swelling) can occur.
Since the penis and vagina are not in direct contact, sexual intercourse may be less satisfying. Friction can lead to a shortage of lubricant, which can lead to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse. Lubricants can help overcome these shortcomings.
Condoms can break.
During sex, the outer ring may slip into the vagina.
Condoms can come out of the vagina.

5. Differences from male condoms
Usually male condoms are made of latex. On the other hand, female condoms are made of polyurethane or nitrile. Women who are allergic to male condoms can also use female condoms.

In addition, it is not affected by moisture or temperature changes like a male condom. It is not put on the penis like a male condom, but is inserted into the vagina.

6. Is it a suitable method of contraception?
Ask your doctor or gynecologist what the best contraceptive method is for your condition.

Contraception methods vary. Contraception can be done in a way that best suits your needs and circumstances. It's a good idea to look for other methods of contraception if:

If you have a spouse or partner and have regular sexual intercourse, it's a good idea to look for alternatives (contraceptives, IUDs) instead of the ones you use every time. Women's condoms are a great way to have sex sometimes.
Sensitive or allergic to nitrile or polyurethane.
It is difficult to insert the condom properly.
Anatomically, female condoms cannot be inserted.

7. Contraceptive effect

The most important thing when using a female condom is to use it properly. It is used whenever you have sex, and if inserted correctly, the contraceptive effect is 95%. However, contraception is reduced to 75% because it is not always used properly.

If you need more protection, it is a good idea to use a condom in conjunction with birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs) or contraceptive implants. However, female condoms and male condoms should not be used together. This is because it can tear due to friction.

9 ways crying can help your health

          9 ways crying can help your health

While watching 'Inside Out' last year, the character of 'Sorrow' in the early days was a troublesome, troublesome, and quite annoying person. As the drama progressed, there was no use for the comfort of 'joy', which always radiates bright and positive energy to 'Bingbong' who is in despair, when there is no way to solve it. 'Sorrow' sympathized and cried silently. After weeping in tears, we find a clue to the solution. As an adult man, I also seem to have a prejudice against crying with tears.

When have you been in tears?
There will be tears of joy as well, and I hate to cry here when the sadness or bitterness I hold has reached the pole and I can't stand it! There will be cases where you endured. However, it is true that after crying, you will feel regretful. This is not a fault. According to an article by "Little Sharks" abroad, it is effective to make the mind and body happy just by crying. Today's theme is "You can cry! 9 health effects from 'tear'"

01. Emotional tears have a detoxifying effect.
Emotional tears contain more toxins than tears caused by simple stimuli (such as chopped onions). Tears simply have no negative emotional consequences. It helps detoxify the toxins.

02. If you are troubled with tears, your vision becomes clear.
The tears coming out of the dust in the eyes have the effect of cleaning the eyesight and protecting the eyes. According to the "National Eye Institute," tears are a precious thing to keep your eyes dry. After crying, moisture is replenished and the field of vision is clear, making me very happy.

03. Reduced stress by hormone secretion
There must have been many situations in which you wanted to cry because of the stress you had accumulated. However, according to "Medical Daily," tears appear to have the effect of releasing stress by secreting hormones, not just responding to stress. After crying once, have you ever had a chance to regain stability before your eyes were reversed?

04. Antiseptic effect of lysozyme contained in tears
“Lysozyme”, one of the ingredients in tears, has the power to break the cell walls of bacteria and kill bacteria. Research has shown that tears have the power to fight germs in the eyes and face. Anyone who has ever cried while wearing mascara will be convinced that 'the makeup has been removed with tears'.

05. It is not because of the feeling of "cleaning when you cry".
After crying nicely, I feel better. According to a paper called "The Miracle of Tear," when tears are shed, endorphins are released, reducing the 'manganese' that causes the heart to decrease.

06. After crying, relationships with people deepen.
Some may be embarrassed because the crying figure is like revealing a small self. But that is why 'tear' deepens relationships with people. Tell your honest feelings in front of a friend, family member, or lover, and if you cry, your partner will reveal the inside.

07. Nasal congestion disappears and becomes cool.
Tears are associated with stuffy nose, just like a runny nose when you cry. When you cry, you may think that your nose is stuffy, but after you actually stop crying, your nasal passages become cooler.

08. Stress is Down Immunity is Up
Tears not only have a bactericidal action, but also a healthy body by reducing stress levels. Relieving stress with tears before your body becomes unable to cope can expect good health effects.

09. Clear your hair and think about the following
As the saying goes, "If you pass on to a tiger, you only need to be mindful." If you clear your head by crying, you can regain the "spirit" that reveals the nature of the problem you are having. Tears have so many effects. Is it okay to shed tears sometimes?

Wednesday 6 May 2020

9 things you should never do before going to bed

9 things you should never do before going to bed

When I think about going to bed, I can hardly fall asleep. In this case, everyone may have experienced at least once. Why can't I fall asleep? The reason may be due to an action before going to bed. The doctor introduced me to "the wrong behavior that interferes with a good night's sleep," which is easily overlooked in everyday life. So, today's theme we prepared is "Nine things you should never do before bedtime."

01. Hot bath

Hot water promotes sympathetic nerves, which makes the body excited and tense. If you like hot water, take a bath three to four hours before bedtime. It is known that lukewarm water below 40 ℃ is good for parasympathetic dominance (tension).

02. Intake of beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee or tea

Caffeine, which has the effect of contracting blood vessels, is not suitable before going to bed. If you still want to drink, drink herbal tea and caffeine-free.

03. Eat dinner full

Dinner usually tends to be hearty. In particular, meat takes a lot of time to digest. If the stomach for digestion is actively moving, falling asleep is likely to worsen. For dinner, it is recommended to eat a light one properly.

04. Drink before bed

If you can't fall asleep, some people may say that you can sleep if you go into a futon after drinking alcohol and drinking comfortably. Alcohol etc. temporarily causes drowsiness, but disturbs the sleep cycle.

05. Smoking before bed

Nicotine has an arousal effect, so please refrain from smoking before sleeping. The arousal effect lasts about 30 minutes, so refrain from smoking an hour before bedtime.

06. Violent exercise

When you exercise vigorously, your body becomes excited and rarely calms down. Make sure to finish your workout as easily as possible 2 hours before bedtime.

07. Television, game, PC work

Blue light from the monitor is known to interfere with sleep induction. If you still need to use it, avoid the large screen and use it with less illumination.

08. Go to convenience store

Convenience store lighting is very bright, so your body will get a light and your internal clock will go crazy. Let's not access not only convenience stores, but also supermarkets and gas stations, where there are light and light at night.

09. After a nap

After dinner, when my stomach is full, I fall asleep. nap? What should I say? If you sleep right after dinner, you won't be able to fall asleep at night. Don't take a nap to get a good night's sleep. If you are still sleepy, please go to bed early to sleep.

9 foods that made me sleepy without my knowledge

9 foods that made me sleepy without my knowledge

Haven't you experienced the urge to take a nap after lunch? No matter how hard I struggled, I fell asleep, and when I saw myself slumbering, I went through 'a' moments. What if the reason you love to sleep or sleep a day's drowsiness is caused by the food you've been unaware of? Today, we will introduce "9 foods that caused drowsiness without my knowledge."

01. Dairy
Of all dairy products, hard cheeses contain a large amount of calcium, which gives the most comfortable effect. When you add crackers to cheese, carbohydrates enhance the function of tryptophan, making it even more powerful.

02. Almond
Almonds are rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which produces melatonin, often known as "sleep hormone." In addition, these nuts are packaged in magnesium to relieve muscle tension and make you drowsy.

03. Banana
Bananas, one of the most popular snacks for people, are easy to eat and often go hand in hand. However, the sugar, potassium, and magnesium found in bananas easily penetrate tryptophan into the brain, causing drowsiness.

04. Walnut
Walnut has less tryptophan than almonds, but has its own source of melatonin. Studies have shown that walnuts increase blood levels of hormones, causing very drowsiness.

05. Cherry
Cherry has a relatively high melatonin content. However, eating a little fresh cherries will not show any drowsiness. Drink a glass of cherry juice and you don't need time to sleep.

06. Chamomile tea
Chamomile contains glycine, an amino acid that has a mild soothing effect that relieves the muscles and nervous system. After a cup of chamomile tea, it is not easy to open your eyes and focus on important issues.

07. Pumpkin seeds
In addition to tryptophan, pumpkin seeds contain significant amounts of zinc and magnesium. These compounds make you feel calm and comfortable, and can become drowsy for a few minutes.

08. White rice
Because white rice has a high blood sugar index, drowsiness may occur 3 to 4 hours after eating. Researchers have found that jasmine rice (flavor), in particular, makes it sleep faster than other rice.

09. Oily Fish
Acids in salmon, tuna, and many oily fish increase melatonin production. This acid lowers the levels of stress hormones in the blood, and after eating, what you want to do is put off and sleep.